Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sahar Vardi, 18 anos, 4 vezes presa por não querer fazer a guerra

Este foi o título da notícia do Público de Sábado

vem a notícia seguinte:

Sahar Vardi:
I have been to the occupied Palestinian territory many times, and even though I realize that the soldier at the checkpoint is not responsible for the wretched policy of the oppressor toward civilians, I am unable to exempt that soldier of responsibility for his conduct ... I mean the human responsibility of not causing suffering to another human being.

The bloody times in which I live (assassinations, aggression, bombings, shootings) result in increasing numbers of victims on both sides. It is a vicious circle that emanates from the fact that both sides elect to engage in violence. This choice I refuse to take part in.

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